Why are positive listings not the right approach to promote animal welfare?
What is the importance of developing good practice guidelines based on scientific criteria?
How can responsible pet ownership be promoted?
Why do organizations emerge which, in the name of animal welfare, spread ideas that go against animal welfare?
How should the pet sector coordinate and act at international level to respond to the continuous aggressions it is suffering?
Our three guests will constructively discuss these issues from the point of view of their respective organizations and with the will to articulate a common organization at European level.
Reproducir video acerca de Imatge video 26may23
Ricardo Sobrino (Aviornis Ibérica)
Marysia Zolik (Platform for Responsible Pet Ownership PVH
Floris Visser (Platform for Responsible Pet Ownership PVH
Ricardo Sobrino (Aviornis Ibérica)
Marysia Zolik (Platform for Responsible Pet Ownership PVH
Floris Visser (Platform for Responsible Pet Ownership PVH